We look at this as a national and state security bill, for Wyoming and the United States,” said Rep. “We’ve had a lot of problems with China lately in the air. In Wyoming, two proposals to restrict foreign land ownership failed this week even though Republicans who control the statehouse were sympathetic to concerns about China expanding its reach. The restrictions have encountered resistance in states with strong property rights. “When it comes to food security, the biggest threat is that foreign owners can potentially pay a higher price for agricultural land, which then drives up prices.”

“China is just a small slice of the bigger picture of foreign ownership,” Welsh said. adversaries purchasing land near military bases like in Grand Forks, but said worries about China controlling the food supply were overblown. lawmakers after the Chinese balloon’s voyage over American skies inflamed tensions between Washington and Beijing.Ĭaitlin Welsh, director of the Global Food Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the scramble to limit foreign land ownership tracked rising U.S.-China tensions. Miller’s concerns are increasingly shared by U.S. “They are just going to take us over economically, instead of military-wise.” “It’s best not to have a foreign entity buying up land, especially one that’s not really friendly to us,” Miller said. Like many throughout the country, Miller wonders if stricter laws are needed to bar farmland sales to foreign nationals so power over agriculture and the food supply doesn’t end up in the wrong hands. China’s bigger threat, he said, is to the U.S.

Miller worries about China as a rising threat to the U.S., but questions how much intelligence could be gained from a balloon. The balloon caused a stir in the 900-person town surrounded by cattle ranches, wind farms and scattered nuclear missile silos behind chain link fences. officials revealed they were tracking a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the state.

(AP) - Near the banks of Montana’s Musselshell River, cattle rancher Michael Miller saw a large, white orb above the town of Harlowton last week, a day before U.S.